Slip Lead

Mendota Pet Supply

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I use slip leads by Mendota Pet Supply. They have a variety of lengths, thicknesses, and colors. These slip leads are great quality and will last you a long time!


Prong Collar

Herm Sprenger

2.25mm (fits most dogs)

3.0mm for LARGE or long haired

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I only use the finest tools, and Herm Sprenger Prong collars are the ONLY prong you should be using. They are made and shipped from Germany. Please check with me to see what size you should order. You may need to order extra links as well. The 2.25mm fits most dogs, the 3.0mm should only be used on LARGE and super thick haired dogs. You can order then on multiple sites. Amazon is the easiest!



E-Collar Techologies

Mini Educator (most common)

Educator (Large dogs)

Micro (small dogs)

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The E-Collar we use in our Board & Train programs and the one we recommend to our clients is the Mini Educator by Collar Technologies. This collar is sold at a fair price, is very user friendly, easy to hold in the hand, and you can customize it with colorful skins and collar straps to give your dog some fun style. Please contact us if you need help with what specific Collar to purchase. Most dogs will use a Mini Educator, however small breeds may need a Micro, and XL breeds may need the Educator. Please contact us with questions!

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Place Cot

Any Cot, you can purchase off amazon.

This cot can be used inside or outside, for your place command. Arguably the most important tool for EVERY dog to have for training.